Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Woah. Is this book getting interesting..?

This whole love triangle/mess has brought a lot of tension to the story, and it's finally starting to cause drama!

Everyone knows Brett can get any man she wants. She's fun, unique, and I'm quite certain, attractive. Even the women at the wine-shop they passed noticed as "they [stared] at Brett" (page 142). It isn't surprising that a lot of men are chasing after her. And I guess you could say that Michael has won the race and it is natural for him to want her for himself-who really wants to share? Monogamy, people. Please.
So the group has just come to sit around the cafe and have a drink (maybe that's the metaphor of this book. Everyone is always drinking!) after watching the bulls. All the tension that has built up is about to be released through one silly simile. Robert is like a steer- "'Is Robert Cohn going to follow Brett around like a steer all the time?"' (page 146). Mike is so frustrated with Cohn for following his fiance/girlfriend (who really knows) around. He is basically feeling the same way Bill and Jake did when they left Robert to go fishing a week ago. I think Robert needs to back off. He knows exactly what he is doing and Brett clearly doesn't like his attention. I don't blame Brett for all this chaos; I think everyone should lay off and let her decide she who she wants to be with. ( ALthough, she does tend to toy with everyone's emotions. Man, I hate Brett. She is sorta like Bella.)

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