Friday, July 2, 2010

Frances: No Holding Back

In my eleven years of education, I have learned a thing or two. One being that authors always have a meaning for everything written within their book (well, we'll say that for the sake of English classes.) Readers (or mostly students) must find the explication of the given passage.
When Frances lets loose on Robert while Jake is listening, it isn't to characterize Frances, but it is designed to emphasize the mid-life crisis that Robert is experiencing. Cohn believed he was in love (am I sensing a metaphor here?) with Frances, just like he did with his ex-wife. But now he wants to know what else is out there in the world. What hasn't he experienced yet? But Frances knows what's out there and she knows she is just too old to get any of it. So she NEEDS Cohn; he is the only thing she has left. Frances knows Robert the best, and she is infuriated with his want of a new life. She goes off on him because she wants him to believe that she is what's best for him (even though the whole scene is for her own good). But through her anger we see how easily molded Cohn was. How his little reality check is actually him breaking out of his shell and out of the control of these women.
This scene sheds new light on Conh's character.
I'm rambling, and I need to make a point.
I guess what I am saying is that this scene makes me feel bad for Robert. I understand why he wants to explore the world now, it isn't because he thinks he is going to die soon. It's because he needs to his other options. His whole life he took whatever came first.
I'm sorry that Frances took what came last, but it isn't Robert's fault. He should be able to leave and find what he is looking for.

P.S. I think that having a sporadic entry is okay, because Hemingway isn't being very organized either!

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