Thursday, July 8, 2010

Eat Some Soup

"The three of us sat at the table, and it seemed as though about six people were missing" (page 228).

I am running out of book to post about, so I am going to try to make something of this quote. I made a list of all the characters we've met so far: Jacob[x].Cohn[].Georgette[].Count[].Brett[].Bill[x].Mike[x].Romero[].Edna.[]. If you count the empty boxes, there are six people not at that table. Maybe I'm taking it too literal.
Also, I can't help but thinking this could be a sort of foreshadowing. Will everyone come back? Actually.. I can't imagine this book ending like a perfect fairytale. The tone of this line isn't really hopeful; it's more like..someone sighing. Hemingway is probably warning us that everyone we've come to know (or just briefly meet) played no real role and they aren't coming back. Jacob will still be lost in the end, just as he was in the beginning.

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