Thursday, September 9, 2010

Those Winter Sundays

I'm discussing the tone of this poem.

I think it is pretty obvious.. cold, distant, and dark. His father got up in the "blueblack cold". Blueblack isn't even a real word, so you know the speaker uses it to make us feel the intensity of the coldness. The word reminds me of bruises and evil things. So we are feeling really cold, then we instantly feel distance from his father: "No one ever thanked him." It was quick and short, but I felt it.

Even the warmth mentioned in this poem feels cold. "I'd wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking. When the rooms were warm, he'd call..." Physically, the room was warm, but I'm still feeling cold. It is kind of like a selfish warm, and as I read it, I wanted him to hug someone, particularly his dad.

Cold cold cold cold cold.

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