Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pink Dog

[Question 12]

I think the dog serves as a symbol of all the embarrassing people in the city.
I don't find the poem to be serious, but it isn't entirely lighthearted. But by using the dog as a symbol, the poem is definitely degrading.
The embarrassing people are mostly homeless people, who look like hoboes. He points out specifically women who have several children, but don't really have any means of providing for them besides her breast milk.
This person just wants to party before Lent. Throw out all the dogs, please! I need room to move. Go to "where there are no lights"; we don't want to see you.

The speaker gives the "eyesores" two options. First: leave. Second: dress up fancy.
This way everyone can "Dress up and dance at Carnival"!

That was a lot of blabbing.

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