Thursday, September 16, 2010

February. Bumholes.

So this is pretty nasty.

But I'm answering [Question 8]

The tone of this poem is definitely bitter resentment. The speaker is so blunt about everything. Most people try to use euphemisms when they talk. For example, if the speaker could have said "neutered" versus saying "snip off a few testicles".
My uncle Steve reminds me off this person. After his divorce, he just hates love and anything that has to do with it. Especially during February, where all the love in the world seems to blow up in our faces.
I'm not really old enough to get depressed about the love in the air, but I would imagine that at age 50, it is pretty annoying. I'd probably want to just eat food, probably chocolate.

At the end, the tone becomes a little less resentful and a little more "optimistic" about the coming months. "Make it be spring."

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