Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Own Fault

From the beginning Cross didn't seem like your typical military man. Always thinking about Martha and whatnot. And now he (well, Tim..) sorta admits it. "...he had signed up for the Reserve Officer Training Corps without much thought" (page 160). And so now he is leading all these men, and because of his mistake, Kiowa dies. But is it really his fault..? This chapter focuses a lot on blame.

On page 169, Tim or Cross or whoever contradicts himself big time: "No apologies were necessary, because in face it was one of those freak things...When a man died, there had to be blame" (page 169).

This begs the question: Does there have to be blame when a man dies? I mean, Tim gave us a long list of reasons Kiowa could have died. But what does it matter? When a man dies, he is dead and "nothing could ever change it anyway" (page 169).

I think Tim just wants his readers to realize that placing a blame usually makes things more complicated and drags everything out. Whereas letting something go is simple and quick. Just rip that band-aid right off instead of picking at it -you know, one hair at a time. It's gonna hurt more if you do it that way.

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