Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Time Time Time

What amount of time is covered in the action? How much of the action is presented as a report rather than dramatized on stage? Does the play feel loose or tight in its construction?

The time was kinda crazy in this play. The time was "now and the past", so it covered a lot of time in a short play. Tom narrates from the future looking back on the experience that tore him away from his family. The action of the play only takes place in around three days. The "now" portion of the play takes place in what I assume to be the entire adult life of Tom, but it is presented as a short report, rather than acted out.
The construction of the play is loose. I never actually know what is going on in the background and I don't see a clear story line. If the construction were tight, I don't think Tom would have to address the audience and explain what was happened after each scene. Everything seems very surreal-like a memory.

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