Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's fun to stay at the YMCA!

This story really makes me think about our society and social norms.
The only things I can think of that are sorta like this are capital punishment, abortion and gang stuff. But those things aren't really that much alike..

Then I was thinking about just weird things.. those weird tv shows like Hole in the Wall, Wipe Out... Now I am just on youtube watching a lot of pointless videos. I have to take this post somewhere else.

Maybe I can't really compare anything from this world to The Lottery, because everything I do is normal to me. The Lottery was normal to those villagers. Normal things don't usually change. We just accept things and don't question the reasons.

Here's a question: Why does the school year end at summer break? Why don't we get off like three months in the fall and then come back during January?

That's not really as extreme as stoning people to death.. or as Jesus-timeish.
When we don't question the way something is, then it just stays.

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